On Saturday the ominous feeling of sickness began to pervade my entire body. But I refused to acknowledge it. So I made a bacon, egg and cheese bagel. Look how nice it looks. I'm sure it was quite tasty too...but I only took a few bites before realizing that it just wasn't going to work for me. My sickness was not of the pukey variety, but something so heavy (no matter how delicious) just wasn't doing it for me. You'll note that I'm just post, post, posting away. Or maybe you won't note that. I'm noting it. I'm trying to catch up as much as possible now so that I won't be completely behind when I get back from JAMAICA. So, expect a slew of posts today and then nothing for a while. And then lots of photographs of me in sunglasses, probably getting pinker and fatter with each passing frame.
I am noticing your slew of posts! they are making my more more entertaining than it be otherwise.
I love making more ... more. :)
Not pinker and fatter. Happier and glowier.
I so don't want to be here I want to be in Jamaica too. I keep hearing that funny song in my head, Call me in Jamaica..let the phone ring a long long long time then hang up and call again....yeah well anyway you are there now and I am not so this might make it into post land or it might not, but in any event sunscreen is the way to go. Yup.
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