Friday, October 28, 2005

Ah, Moving Pictures

Okay, well, I have been trying to upload images to accompany this post but Blogger is being fickle. So I'm going to have post this without any visual aids...sorry.

The boyfriend and I had a marathon session of Arrested Development last night. And by marathon I mean we watched the entire third disc of the first season...and all of you who told me I should watch it were correct, I apologize for any doubts I ever expressed.

We also watched Off the Map with Joan Allen and Sam Elliot (and the guy who played the mean white power guy on Oz/the psychiatrist on Law and Order). This movie, about a family living in New Mexico in the late 60s/early 70s and the IRS agent who comes to audit them, has many funny moments. Though, overall, it is not so funny. I can't decide if I recommend it or not. Things it has going: funny moments, interesting plot, moments of great acting and beautiful landscapes. Things it has going against it: weird moments of bad acting, heavy handedness, moments where it seems like the movie was originally a play (I haven't researched this).

I'm half way done with reading Nick Hornby's book, A Long Way Down.

I'm going on a job interview today. We'll see how that goes.

Sorry for the lack of photographs.

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