Our Thanksgiving eating began around one when I put together a little cheese plate. Brie, Morbier, Chevre and some chicken and pork 'trufée'. We also opened a bottle of Korbel Brut and toasted the holidays.

Our Thanksgiving dinner consisted of buttered okra, beet roesti with rosemary, traditional mashed potatoes and smoked salmon mashed potatoes, cranberry orange relish, stuffing (inside and outside the bird) and T-U-R-K-E-Y. We also had pie, but by the time we ate the pie I was too stuffed to remember to take a photograph...the mother made the pie.

I made the okra and beets.

The boyfriend made the stuffings. I, predominantly, made the turkey but had help from the mother and the boyfriend.

The boyfriend also made the cranberry relish...I somehow managed to miss that dish too...what kind of person am I?

The boyfriend also made an absolutely divine egg nog...oh my goodness it was scrumptious...I was so taken with the taste and the bourbon I completely forgot any fears about salmonella...which is just as well, seeing as how I didn't get salmonella.

Thanksgiving: A good day.
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