When I was a freshman in college my group of friends decided to have our own Secret Santa gift exchange. I got one of my housemates and gave her nailpolish and a gift certificate for a manicure...she took that as me telling her I thought she was superficial (which I did not). My roommate got me and she gave me Margaret Atwood's novel Robber Bride. I had never heard of Atwood before and am forever thankful to that roommate for pegging me as the kind of gal that would enjoy Atwood's work.

Yesterday I got to see Margaret Atwood receive the Chicago Tribune's Literary Award at the Chicago Symphony Center. She was introduced by the editor of the Tribune. The chairman of the Chicago Humanities Festival introduced the editor. I was a little unnerved/amused when he mentioned American Airlines' large part in making the festival possible. I believe his exact words were (no not exact...this is not a direct quote, but very close to it): This festival has grown on American Airlines' wings. Corporate sponsorship, oh my.

Atwood was charming. She joked about the concept of a lifetime achievement award, being Canadian, not being puffed up and 23 year olds' dish washing habits. She kept it light and interesting and took a few questions in the end.

Of course I felt a bit of despair as a writer. Margaret Atwood is so good. And I know that no matter how much I improve, I'll never not ever, be as good as her. It scares me a bit but I'm not going to linger on this subject.
1 comment:
I adore Margaret Atwood since my 12th grade English teacher assigned us The Handmaid's Tale. Since then I have gobbled every book I could find of hers. id ecided a man who apprecieated Atwood's work would be the man I married. my husband bought me Oryx and Crake when it came out. What a winner!
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