Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The G.'s are avid charades players. It's never really been my game, but I definitely wanted to observe and maybe play. The two teams were created and then went to two separate rooms to create their clues? Clues? I think A.'s sister started...I have no idea what she was trying to enact through this series of photos, but they make me chuckle.

M. was seriously intense about this whole thing. I mean, I have played many a game with her and never have I seen her quite...well, quite like this. Serious task master.
Though at times it wasn't a laughing matter, cheering still happened.
The youngest of the G. crew enjoyed doing dances between performers, but at this point she danced while W. was having her turn,which was a pretty entertaining juxtaposition. No idea what W. was trying to convey either.

Leave your seat and an elderly Vizsla may very well take it.
Eventually it was my turn and I didn't do a very good job. I know heavyweight, or weight was part of the clue but I really just didn't thrive in this game in any way.

The closest to a shining moment I had was when I almost got 'Do Asteroids Dream of Electric Sheep.' If the game was: name the author of the book whose title you can't quite recall then I would have been a hit in this round. Alas, Phillip K. Dick was not what we needed.

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