Thursday, January 03, 2008

So Many More

I still have quite a number of posts to get up in order to be up to date. But I've been in the library an hour and my mother is at home getting the house prepared for guests tomorrow and I should probably go help her.

Yesterday the publisher of Key West Magazine, the publication I was going to intern for, contacted me and told me the magazine was shutting down and he was withdrawing his offer of internployment. He apologized for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Oh inconvenience like giving up my apartment, job and furniture? Something like that? Being stuck in Tennessee with no home of my own? Oh yes, inconvenience isn't what it used to be (having to break a twenty when all you want is 2 quarters for the parking meter, for example).

So if any of you know of a small publication looking for a writer or gopher. Or, actually, any kind of employment that, even tangentially, has something to do with writing...let me know. I love my parents but it's cold and I don't want to be that 26 year old who lives with her parents and eats their food and etc etc etc.

Oh, and in case it's unclear: I am very very very sad, disappointed, frustrated, angry and scared.


m.lady said...

That is Grade A Number 1 Bull Crap!!!

You should make them compensate you in some way (you know, by letting them know that you gave up your apartment, job, and furniture).

Come back to Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Amen Sistah. The lawyer in me says file a lawsuit. The realist in me says the chucklehead probably has no nickels to rub together and call his own, otherwise the magazine would still be in play. But yes, a terse polite YOU OWE ME sort of letter would not be out of place.

I am looking in all the nooks and crannies here, not that Podunk NC would necessarily be your cup of tea, but it might be a springboard, as opposed to a jump of a cliff...

Dammit this does indeed really piss me off!

J said...

Jesus Christ, that really sucks.

What an asshole.

Anonymous said...

i can't believe that happened.

you should look up BkMk Press and New Letters in Kansas CIty Missouri. they both run out of the university of missouri-kc and are both small so chances might be slim but the people that work there are worth the effort.