Saturday, January 05, 2008

New Year's Eve Two

So the next part of the night included a bonfire, a lot of bummed cigarettes and fireworks. Oh and Colby, the dog. The fireworks were especially nice since I thought that, in addition to everything else, I would be having my first fireworks-less New Years Eve in four years. This bummed me out. But I was un-bummed when the fireworks were revealed….though I did say, more than five times, that with the wind and the drought maybe fireworks weren't the best idea…but it was a good show and that was one heck of a good dog. On two separate occasions I was introduced or introduced myself to a person and their reply was 'oh, I've worked on your house'. I can't exactly explain why it was funny but it was.

Thanks to the inviter of me and the host. Fire and friendly folks are always much better than watching the ball drop with the 'rents. Well, maybe not always but in this instance.

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