Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Child Abuse Case That May (should be in italics) Make You Cringe

That, minus the italics comment, is what the local news is using as its "hey seriously, watch our local news we're gonna tell you something awful that you probably don't want to hear!" pitch.

And of course I did stay tuned and it was awful. Some drunken idiot at a gas station was yelling and whatnot at his wife. What was his problem? Well, he was pissed that his wife had given him three sons. He wanted a daughter. So in the parking lot outside of this gas station he took his 12 day old son and dropped him, head first, smack dab on the pavement. It was a 5-6 foot drop and the baby lost consciousness. When the cops showed up it was reported that this uber douchebag said something like: Yeah I know I just dropped my baby on the pavement. What are you going to do? Arrest me?

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