Friday, January 11, 2008

An Excellent Argument

Though our circumstances aren't identical I would like to point out M. Lady's latest blog post.....I think she makes a very good case for a sentiment that similarly kept me up all last night.

My one addition/caveat would be this:

Though no angel of death haunted me last night, I suddenly had a frightening moment where I couldn't quite believe that everything was going to be fine. That, M. Lady, was also around 2 am.


Anonymous said...

Ok so I am not having any idea of what time my emmisaries of weirdness appear, but there is a lot of similarity here. Altho I must say, despite all odds, sometimes it is all fine. Even when you think you are slowly losing your mind at O'dark thirty, half awake up out of your bed looking for that third dog that um frankly you don't have...

I am proof that sometimes it takes a loooooong while for the good stuff to appear, but it appears.

I do think your cycle will be shorter or faster or less tedious than you think! And so will M. Lady's; y'all got youth and beauty running on your team right now!

J said...

I've definitely felt that way more than once this past year.

Sometimes it just helps to have someone, like a parent, tell you things will be ok, even if we can never really know if that's true.

I guess it's weirdly reassuring to know that most everyone goes through this at some point in their lives. And as the commenter on your friend's blog noted, rarely does x really lead automatically to y. But I'd imagine if it did, your y would be something pretty boring.