Sunday, April 18, 2010

Flowers c/o Spring, Pho c/o Pho 38, Pizza c/o Luigi's

Spring in Philadelphia was going along pretty nicely when I returned from Seattle, and continued in fine form thereafter.
The natural beauty of these flowers was obvious in person, but not in the photographs I took; to try to mask this fact I photoshopped the hell out of them.

I had to go to the mall to get some things. On the way back I stopped at Pho 38. It is in New Jersey. I went to the Asian grocery store next to it once. I haven't been back since, but for no very good reason. Every time I go to the Cherry Hill Mall I see this restaurant's Pho sign, and it beckons to me, inviting me to try something new. So I tried something new. Well, not exactly...I have had spring rolls and pho before, but not there. Whatever. I liked that the beef came a little bit more rare, and the broth was good too, but I thought the actual cuts of meat were weird or something. Not weird scary weird, just different.
Then I went over to C.'s to do laundry and eat pizza.
The end.

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