Saturday, May 06, 2006

Lunch and Laying About...

The boyfriend left the apartment early today in order to go downtown and take the GRES. So I went to the gym. Finished reading Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash (a really great book I think, maybe not fine literature but really fun and I'm teaching it next year, so there literary snobs) and started one of the books I received from Harper Collins...both of these books look really bad. One is called Reality TV Bites, a novel, that I applied to read simply because I'm writing my own reality television book...but this one seems to fall very much in the chick lit genre and I'm pretty sure that mine does not.

Lunch was foccacia cut in half with a slice of corned beef with cheese on one and thin smoked turkey and cheese on the other...and half an avocado. Mmm.

This American Life is a good show.

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