Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The Nun Bun

The biggest story on our local television stations (which aren't so local, ie. Chattanooga and Nashville) is the story of the nun bun. Two days ago someone broke into a Nashville coffeehouse (called something like Zongo Coffee...or Jumpa Coffee or something else entirely) and stole only one thing and it wasn't money. No ladies and gentleman, someone took the door off the small coffee establishment and stole 'THE NUN BUN'.

For the last two and half days each and every news broadcast has dedicated a good two to three minutes on the story of the nun bun....found by the coffeehouse's manager nearly nine years ago, this cinnamon roll bore a striking resemblance to none other than Mother Theresa! Supposedly it was national news...it's even made its way onto a Trivial Pursuit card. But some grinch up and stole it Christmas morning. So both our six and ten oclock news tells us. The coffeehouse manager who found it and the owner are saddened and can't understand why anyone would take the nun bun 'from the community'. It's astounding how much I now know about the nun bun. By god when I get access to images I'll be posting one of the now lost nun bun.

I think the coffeehouse people did it themselves for publicity.

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