Wednesday, May 04, 2011

WPL Plus Champagne

So I did my usual Wine/Pizza/Laundry with C. at some point in the last few weeks. It was a gorgeous evening, so we dined al fresco. Pizza was ricotta, green olives and mushrooms. Wine was Woodbridge.
Oh how much happier a person I can be when it's warm.
At some point R. returned home and we killed the wine. Then C. remembered that some of their friends had given them the gift of champagne upon learning of their recent engagement (!). So R. went and got it. It wasn't until the cork had been popped that I noticed that this wasn't your Korbel. This was your Veuve. Their friends really like them. I felt a little bad about partaking in their finer than fine champagne gift, but that didn't actually stop me, if you can imagine. Ha. I am a jerk.
Another lovely evening in the company of Brutus, C. and R.

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