Friday, May 20, 2011

Cheese, Yoga, Crab Races and Pork Shoulder

L. brought a delightful selection of cheeses: Avonlea, Midnight Moon, Truffle Tremor and I think Taleggio? While we waited the pork's ultimate moment of readiness, we heartily dug into the cheese while sitting outside.
At some point L. did one of those things, a bridge-like yoga kind of pose. Fatty tried, but he was too fat.
Then L. did a head stand.
Then L. and I had a crab race.
I won by knocking her over and pretending I was done...and then crabbing to the wall. Heh. I am a cheater.
Then we ran around for a while. I forget why, but know that it was a great time and that we were both disappointed when we realized that Fat T. had been taking photos on manual focus.

And then the moment for the pork commenced. It was, if I do say so myself, quite a success.

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