Thursday, August 31, 2006

Messy New Place

Since these photographs were taken we've made progress but I haven't taken photographs. So you can see the place in full dishabille (is that a word I can use? the spelling's bad but?). Below is the living area.
This is the dining room.
The sunroom/perhaps office/cozy nook.
Meowcat on the front porch.
A look down the hallway from the sunroom type place...our bedroom is down and to the right another bedroom (perhaps office?) is to the left.


Anonymous said...

Looks nice, hardwood floors, built-in dining room cupboard..maybe you need some Nature's Miracle for the rugs?

tobs said...

wow, looks really nice. i wish i lived in a city. carpeting is fucking weak. fucking weak.

Anonymous said...

Is dishevelment the word you're looking for?

cc said...

Nope it was deshabille..from the french word for undressed or unkempt.

yes, toby, carpeting is weak. i agree wholeheartedly with your sentiment and sympathize with your carpeted plight.

and no, mom, no cleaning products are needed for the rug.