Monday, August 14, 2006

Cabbage Soup Dinner

The sauerkraut the boyfriend made a while back was finally depleted some time in the last few weeks. And then last week's farmshare (fickle, flaky farmshare) delivered us another cabbage. I was excited about the new sauerkraut that was the obvious thing to make out of the cabbage. Unfortunately the boyfriend learned that one can't make sauerkraut when it's 75 degrees or higher, so instead he made cabbage soup. And I liked it very much. Bacon, ham, onions, potato and cabbage. The broth was flavor lovely.


Jenerator said...

This comment has nothing to do with cabbage soup.. I recently picked up some wasabi powder and I don't know what to do with it. Any ideas?

Anonymous said...

What has happened to all your sidebars? mcmc

cc said...

Wasabi powder...I've used it to spice up deviled eggs. It can be fun in a salad dressing. Or you could make your own wasabi peas..not sure how but I'm sure it involves baking. Or, this may not be good, but a wasabi fettucini alfredo. Mmm. Though probably not very Weight Watchers friendly. And there's always sushi.

cc said...

I don't see anything wrong with my sidebars!

Jenerator said...

Thanks, I'll let you know what I do with it. It may just sit on my shelf for a while.

Anonymous said...

A trendy restaurant in the DC area serves wasabi mashed potatoes, a delightful change from the more common garlic mashed potatoes.