Saturday, September 03, 2005

The World Speaks

"Katrina had more than the power of the wind and water, because, now, when they have subsided, it can still reveal the emptiness of an era, one that is represented by President George W Bush more than anyone. "

This is one of many interesting international press quotes found at:

  • BBC

  • Wouldn't it be amazing if this all was really true...that this disaster could do what millions of liberal democrats could not...change a nation's opinion of its leader? Time will, as always, tell.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I certainly hope so. I've never felt more ashamed or angry. Seriously, this whole situation is inexcusable, and it is compounded by W.'s ridiculous photo ops and exultations of "Brownie" (Michael Brown, director of FEMA), who lost his last job as Director of the Arabian Horse Association in a legal scandal, and who at one point blamed those who were still in NO for making things more complicated by not heeding the evacuation warning. How can anyone be so fucknig dense. It's like, not only did he fail to pre-place FEMA supplies within a reasonable danger of the destruction, but he also, in 4 days, failed to see a goddamn newspaper to know that those left behind couldn't evacuate.
