Saturday, September 10, 2005

Bohemian Marching Band

After the disappointment of the oyster festival, I thought I would walk up Damen and go to Wicker Park. As I approached the park I passed a school and heard the sounds of the band practicing. When I got to the park, there was a crowd gathered around a fountain. I realized that the sound of music had not been emanating from the school (it's a Saturday silly) but from the park itself.

Upon closer inspection, I found about twelve adults marching around the fountain in bohemian/hipster/bizarre marching band outfits playing saxophones, trombones, drums, guitars and cymbals. I have no idea who they were but I have a feeling that they would call themselves performance artists. The music was good.


cc said...

I hate anonymous. I would like to hypnotize anonymous and make them stop leaving comments on my blog that are totally irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

I too am filled with ire towards anonymous. I would like to take a pocket watch wave it in front of their eyes and then punch them in their dirty whorish mouth. I wonder if you can possibly delete comments?
