Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Crazy to Not-Crazy

So I recently was given, by ridiculously generous parents, a new camera. This is very exciting, as the camera I have been using really hasn't been itself in quite some time (probably since I left it in a precarious place then caused it to fall from said precarious place, oh summer-of-2006 cc, nice move). I haven't been able to look through the viewfinder in years, relying instead on the larger screen, which totally influenced my perspective, but not necessarily for the better. The truth is that manually focusing was difficult to do (as a result of the fall) and I was basically always taking photographs in the automatic mode. It may be that when I finally see the photographs that I have taken with the new camera (I have yet to see them on anything other than the camera's display) I will realize that the problems with my photographs' relative uniformity and hit-or-miss-yness as of late/a while was never a measure of the camera I was using...but I'm hoping to find that regaining the choice of manual focus, and dedicating myself to relearning some basic technical information, will result in a better quality photograph in the long haul. I do kind of care about the quality of the photographs I post on this site, though that may not be clear in the actual images.

The time will come soon, when I can actually post photographs of: another dinner with C. and her Dad, a new hair cut, Zul the cat, pho, board games, Thanksving and so many other things.

How soon is up to FedEx.


j, foodie blog enthusiast said...

come on, fed ex. new hair, pho, AND thanksgiving? maybe you can call them and explain. i think they'd understand.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you broke my camera?

cc said...

Shoot, didn't I tell you? Shame on circa summer 2006 cc. Shame.