Saturday, October 01, 2011

You Win Some, You Lose Lamb

So when I was in Brooklyn visiting L. and Fat T., L. and I went to Costco, and I bought a rack of lamb. My thought was I would make a delicious rack of lamb for no occasion. This deliciousness was predicated on the one other time I have ever made a rack of lamb. Then I got home and work started getting busy but I knew I had to cook this lamb. So I put together a mint garlic pesto rub kind of thing and did a few other things and then there was searing and broiling and roasting and potatoes and mint and rosemary and mushrooms. Truth be told, it didn't turn out exactly how I would have liked. Basically I was so afraid of overcooking it, I ended up undercooking it. Not in terms of, like, food poisoning. But Maybe just a little too pink. L. came by and tried it but I think she was scared.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still looks delicious.