Monday, October 17, 2011

Drinking with the J.s at Bishop's Collar

The Friday before last, I spent part of my evening drinking wine and calling people on the phone while enjoying the nice outdoor weather. The second part of my evening was spent at Bishop's collar, where I met up with J. and J. to watch the Phillies not make it to the next round of Playoffs. It was sad for those who really cared; I was generally involved in a conversation about how/what to get kids to eat, which I had no business really discussing seeing as I do not, in fact, have any children. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the convo while drinking a dark beer, the name of which entirely escapes me.
I took some photographs.
This lady was very good at balancing a pint glass on her head, and was very friendly to boot. I like the very different looks the men on either side of her are rocking.

It was a fun time. I left after a bit to have a conversation with a friend from back in the day, which quickly devolved into something entirely different than what it started out as...and which I have only myself to blame. Alas.
And then I joined back up with these folks, except lady J. never reappeared, so it was me and Mr. J. and their nanny and her love interest. An obvious group. We hung out until way too late and at one point drank vodka and gatorade. Yup. It was that kind of night. I got home some time after 2.


nc catherine said...

Do you know how many folks you know whose names start with J? Wow.

I like the beer balancing on the man's head, the pint balancing on the woman's head. I like the red hoops and the red lipstick and the red shirt, all tied together! What does the shirt, say one wonders....

cc said...

Thanks. That was a concerted effort to look like I was a Phillies fan. The shirt (which I found in the attic of one of my college houses) reads: don't hate me because i'm beautiful.

nc catherine said...

I LOVE the shirt. You should make the slogan more prominent..well then that gets into a whole other territory of other things being more prominent so I will just stop while I am ahead. Go Phillies and what not, well we can save that for next season I guess? Not that I even know what I am talking about....