Sunday, August 30, 2009

Morning Walk Around Cape Henlopen

My night in the tent was uneventful, not overly comfortable but that was to be expected. I woke up around five in the morning to the sound of thunder and a light rain but I had confidence in my tent's rain flap and fell back asleep for another hour or two. When I finally did get out of the tent, the rain had stopped and the sun was up (around 8). I took a walk down a path I hadn't been down before, expecting that I would turn up on the shore quite easily (that was definitely part of the experience of sleeping I liked -I could hear the waves crashing on one another in the distance once it got quiet...which it did at 9 pm), but that was a bit of a mistake on my part. The path I took led to Fort Miles.

A decomissioned set of barracks and guns soon to be fixed up to accurately reflect what it looked like during World War II.

Eventually the ocean did come into view, though there wasn't actually a path to it....only dunes, which of course I wasn't going to traipse across.
Even though I missed the sunrise, the early morning view was still something to see. While looking east you saw the sun shining on the water, but looking west all you saw were blue/grey ominous, ominous clouds with the occasional muted flash of lightning. Also, there were dolphins in the water. There was no way for me to be sure when they would be surfacing, or for how long, so I just took a lot of photographs hoping they might briefly appear somewhere. And they did. Now you can play the fun game I like to call 'find the dolphins amongst the expanse of water and sky game,' if you find them I will give you a prize of some kind. Maybe. Depending on where you live and what kind of prize you think you deserve.

I've made these photographs big, but i'm not sure if that takes away their detail. I just noticed that i could stretch images within the post....has this always been the case? Have I always been wondering how to make images larger when I could have just done this? Do they lose quality in this manner of stretching?

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