Before I left Philly, I got my tent out of the coat closet and I noticed that S. had quite a fine looking lantern. He was sleeping, so I did the presumptuous thing and took it without asking (leaving a very long note explaining my actions and imploring him to text me if it wasn't okay). And it's good that I did. Well, if I hadn't I would have bought my own light source. It's a good thing I did because this lantern was a powerhouse of light. So much so that I got very into taking photographs of my campsite, and myself, with it as almost my only light source.


It reminded me of my early experiments in photography. And by experiments I mean more about my playing with my image and long exposures. All guesswork, without any real idea or concept, just messing around for the fun of it. None of these photographs turned out particularly well, but it was fun to use that little piece of my brain.

There are more pictures for later. More of my face and silliness.
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