Sunday, August 30, 2009

Foot Wetting

I originally envisioned myself spending a good part of Monday sitting on the beach and enjoying the water. This vision was mediated by the early rain showers and the knowledge that I really, really, really had to do laundry when I got back to Philadelphia. So, after the early morning rain shower, I packed up my belongings and left campsite 6 behind. I did, however, stop and go to the beach briefly. I didn't change into my suit, just rolled up my jeans and got my feet wet...though I stood in the same place long enough to feel like those around me were wondering what my deal was.
No dolphins were seen.

I love bodies of water. I think, for swimming, I like lakes or waterfall swimming holes better than the ocean...but the ridiculous horizon, the sound and the inevitability of the next wave is an extremely appealing set of aspects that the ocean has completely under its control.

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