Sunday, April 13, 2008

Photographs of the Drive Back From Huntsville

In case there was any confusion...this is a Jesus church.

The country changes too. For the worst. Poverty is bad. Living in falling down houses is not an acceptable thing...but, well, neither is building a god ugly house in the middle of a perfectly good field that never did any thing to any body. Just a minute a way there are houses like this...(and to be clear I am not suggesting that all people who live in trailers are necessarily living in poverty).
And immediately across the street was this.
And then there was this. The definition of god awful unnecessary building. I'm sorry to whoever lives in this house, I'm sure you're very proud...but you could have found some other house already built and fixed it up or....I am judgmental. It is just true.

1 comment:

J said...

Also, totally agreed about the houses.