Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Beer, Battleship and Bourbon c/o Dram Shop Bar

After dinner we caught a cab to Park Slop, specifically to a bar called Dram Shop Bar. There we met up with J. and W. and two others I'd never met before and whose names (I regret to say) I cannot abbreviate. S. (that link makes no sense nor is it related to S. in any way but it is, I believe, funny), M. and I went to high school together, so did W. (the dude with the beard). These abbreviations begin to seem silly when talking about a lot of people in one post but it's a thing I do so I can't stop. But I've been reading C. and J.'s respective blogs for long enough that I almost feel like maybe we went to summer camp or something together. The context in which I know them is through other people and text.
Dram Shop was nice because there was beer (I had an amber of some kind) and there were games. I love games. If I could just play games (Scrabble, Catan, Rummy, Hearts, Wii Tennis etc) all the time I just might be happy. Above is the winning team of battle ship. I think I stopped paying attention by the time our side won but I still wanted to collect on some of the photographic triumph and glory. The sizes of the booths were good for a medium get together of folks, though one couldn't really communicate more than two people deep. This may have been more because of the general noise level than the booth sizes. That may just be a truth for bars on Friday night. It did have table service however, which is kind of handy some times.

When I get drunk I like to have lots of photographs taken with me and other people. Especially when I get to look like I'm just a head.
You can't see it but I'm made up like a painted whore.

C and I shaking, I believe, because it was the first time we actually met....regardless of this incident.
High School Buddies Reunited for one one night. It was good to see all the faces, new and old.
Here's what a stranger had to say about the bar.


J said...

Wow, I look really stoned and handsome in that one picture of me.

I read the guy's review of the bar. I think the commenter who said it felt like a TGI Fridays hit it on the head. It was very sterile and had a very weird mix of customers, made it seem not very bar like. Still great drink list though.

sarahp said...

it's a small world, eh? i write on brooklynskeptic, which you linked to, and in looking at your post, i realize that i am friends with w's girlfriend! huh.