Friday, February 01, 2008

And Still No Photos

Today is another, far worse, rainy day. I didn't have much of a plan for this afternoon and the rain makes any desire to, say, actually go to the MOMA when it's open, cajole someone into coffee or take walk pretty much dead on delivery. I am making a pork stock for my hosts though, so that's something I can say I accomplished.

I'm going to what will be, I'm sure, a phenomenal meal tonight with at least one high school buddy (high school buddy #2, well, you are still encouraged to confirm or deny your plans on showing up). It will have courses. There will be a zen garden. Maybe there will be drinks during or after. It will be great. Even with the suck-assy rain.

Last night I watched a sneak peek of Get Smart. I could tell you what I thought you really care to know? Can you not guess how the movie went? Sigh. The new episode of Lost, however, was reasonably entertaining if, as usual, lacking in answers and profligating in questions (did I just totally a) misuse a word? b) make up a word?).

Ah New York, you are so cold and rainy.

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