Monday, February 04, 2008

Pork Shoulder Cloved Up

On Monday I didn't have any social meet-ups and didn't care to venture out in the world just because it was New I spent a good part of the day shopping for and cooking pork butt/shoulder. I stabbed the meat all over then put whole cloves into the gashes. This really made the meat have a clovey taste. I worked off this recipe (ah the Chicagoist days) but used a bone-in piece of meat and added a bit of cilantro and a jalepeno pepper. In a good way. I think. I also made salad and cumin/rosemary potatoes. We drank a nice bottle of Chianti.
It was, if I do say so myself (and I do) pretty damn tasty. The potatoes were less satsifying. The salad was aw winner.

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