Saturday, June 06, 2009

That's Some Sweet Tea...With Bourbon

So back when I visited L. in Brooklyn, I had the opportunity to have a bourbon with sweet tea. At that point I decided that the beverage would be my summer drink. Yet I never quite got around to making the simple syrup that (omg, as I was typing I saw not one but two pileated woodpeckers!) is integral to the effective making of sweet tea, nor did I buy any bourbon. Once I got down here I had similar plans to enact this summer drink but at first I did not win because I couldn't find my parents regular sugar. It was sad, I cried a little. But then! Then I emailed the parents and they directed me towards the sugar and then it was on for real. I made enough simple syrup for the tea and a hummingbird feeder. I took three Lipton tea bags (two peach flavored, one regular) and steeped them in some water. Then, with magic in my heart, I filled a pitcher (it wasn't really a pitcher but I can't think of the right word for what it is) with the simple syrup and ice before pouring the tea in it and stirring. Once that feat was complete I took a jigger of bourbon and put it into a glass then poured the sweet tea on in, plopping in a few ice cubes to boot, and garnished with a lemon.
The bourbon and lemon cut the sweet just a little, which was good since it was some sweet, sweet tea. Mmmm, mmm.

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