Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Fog of Hunger

I have returned to Philadelphia against my will. These are two pictures of a foggy morning that led to J.D. and me not going to Greeter Falls as planned, I think. I forget what I did instead, probably read a book or watched a movie or five.
The problem with not having any food in the house is that there is nothing for me to eat.

I want some food. Sushi would be nice. Or a pizza. Or a sushi pizza. Or a salad full of chunky fresh veggies. Or. Or. Or. Gaaaaaah.


nc catherine said...

It is lovely, the TN mountain fog.

Can't say I miss it one whit. Not even a whitlet.

The empty larder I understand! Go shopping in the cute FIT F I T FIT. Fill 'er up with goodies galore!

cc said...

Huh. I love the fog aesthetically. Certaiinly wouldn't want to drive around in it if I could help it though.

cc said...

can't go shopping, going to Chicago tomorrow