Saturday, April 25, 2009


The day, while pretty, was not without a certain cold bite in the air...and a considerable wind (moreso since the house is on a hill). The lack of outside warmth was not a problem, however, because we had egg dyeing to do. There was the option of 'tye dye' eggs...but when I made my hippie dippie attempts the results were not as interesting or amazing as I had hoped.
These eggs were made by M.
These were eggs made by me.
A., an egg purist, refused any eggsperimentation and went for straight up solid colors (though later on he branched out a little and made a Swedish egg).
This is the best egg I made. I employed rubber bands and tape.
This is the second time I have dyed Easter eggs with M. and A. Our first experience was, gosh, two years ago? One year ago? Two. Sigh, I have no idea what has happened to my life and ability to recall things.

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