Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Bagel and the Cappucino

On Saturday morning, as I have done in the past and will do again, I woke up earlier than L. or Fat T. So I got up, went to the Bagel Factory and ordered me one toasted everything bagel with green olive cream cheese.
I brought it, and the small cup of coffee I also purchased, back to their kitchen where it was most delicious. Then, a week or two later, I decided to play with photoshop.
Later on in the day L. and I met up with K. at Cafe Regular (I'm too lazy to properly accent the a), I had a cappucino. My cappucino was quite delicious. I don't really drink coffee regularly, I used to but I got out of the habit when I lived with a non-coffee lover. I just picked up a mad addiction to caffeinated Earl Grey tea, with raw sugar and milk (actually, I think I already had that addiction but supplemented it with frequent trips to the Dunkin Donuts). Coffee is now a treat, and this was a particularly good one. The best part of a cappucino, when done by an expert, is th amount and consistency of the steamed milk. Making good foam was a weakness in my own coffeehouse working days, one I never quite overcame. I could slice meat and make egg salad with the best of them. And steaming milk, not frothing it, that I could handles for the most part. My own failure in foam making has made me accutely aware of the nature of good frothy steamed milk. My mother is awfully darn good at coming away with a much more than a dollop of the dashed stuff.
It was a rainy day, not overly pleasant and the cafe was definitely small and bustling.


Hucklyberry said...

Quite astonishing. Is there an awesomify-button in Photoshop?

cc said...

Yes. Yes there is. :)