Tuesday, April 14, 2009

On Fingernail Painting

So we went to Fairmount Nail Salon to get our nails did. I agonized over choosing between a metallic blue, a deep purple or a rich and dark red. In the end, as you can probably tell//could have picked up from an earlier post, I went with purple. I have had three paid-for manicures, all of which have taken place since this past August. When I was younger I never got too into nail polish. I liked the idea of it, but whenever I applied it myself I was never overly pleased with the results. In my teens I'm sure I had at least one of those morbidly named colors, like rotting sexpot or festering dahlia, perhaps a silver thrown in there at some point (I did go through quite a silver sparkly eye makeup phase). My lack of experience in this area of comestic beauty/hygiene makes it hard to really understand the difference between, say, a $10 manicure or a $90 manicure or, you know, a $32,000 manicure. This manicure lasted less than a week in its overall splendor...less than a few hours before its initial imperfections. K. opened a door and one of her nails got jacked. I zipped my jacket and got a gash in my nail coating. Now, I don't really care all that much, and $10 is definitely not a lot of money...but, I can't help but wonder whether a more expensive place would produce more resistant a nail job. Do people with fancy manicures have other people to zip their jackets and open doors? I guess washing their own dishes, flushing their own toilet or cleaning their own cat's litterbox are also not frequent nail chipping worries. What?
K. went with a sort of berry red, except not red red, more pinkish red. In the future I hope I will make more of a point to write down or otherwise remember the colors of my polish.
The Fairmount Nail Salon was perfect for what we were looking for: a little bit of silly 'girly' fun on a rainy day with a dear cousin. The space is definitely rough around the edges, lacking in much primping or ambience. The television was playing Who Wants To Marry A Millionaire, the seating area for those waiting consisted of a row of folding chairs and the actual chairs for the manicures were office chairs that had definitely seen better days. I have a lot of thoughts about chairs, it seems.

1 comment:

nc catherine said...

Ah a pedicure seems to have greater staying power than a manicure. I got a the whole works a while back, toes, fingers, and the toes still are ok. The fingers, not even with a stunning color, just clear with a hint of pink, lasted only a few days. Water and life takes its toll. I don't think it has a thing to do with price. I am guessing tho that the pricier the job the more disposable dollars owned by the owner of the fingers, and more people perhaps to take care of life's annoyances.

The Senorita Rosalita pinky goldy color on the toes is my new favorite!