Speaking of self-control. Today I made an attempt not to smoke any cigarettes at all. This is somewhat an ongoing attempt except today was the first time I even really tried since the last time I really tried (which was last summer/fall...though when my father was in the hospital it was relatively easy to get down to 5 secret cigarettes a day). I got to 6:00 before I faltered/caved. In other words you know what I didn't do today at work? Smoke a single cigarette or have a proper lunch! Instead I ate a little over 1/4 cup of Flavor Tree honey roasted almonds (they're like crack only better because you never are tempted to kill anybody for them), half a roll of life savers, three pieces of gum (well I didn't eat the gum) and three or four cups of Earl Grey Tea.
One large problem is my lack of logic. I somehow feel like if I don't watch television (an addiction all its own) and read a book instead then it's okay for me to have a cigarette. Or that if I don't watch television and read a book it's okay that I haven't really walked anywhere other than work. When you have so many things you like that aren't particularly good for you then you find yourself playing them off of one another, illogically. Clearly it's better to watch television than smoke cigarettes. Clearly. Whatever. I don't want to talk about this any more.
I've been watching the true renter of my apartment's dvds of the third season of The Office and laughing a lot which is nice. Then yesterday I went to put in the fourth, and final, disc and tragedy! it was not there! It is missing! I have watched the fourth season, so it's not like I don't know the main story points but I've never seen the episodes that get you there and The Office is hardly about story, it's about laughs...and that I want to work in an office an have witty dialogue and prankster behavior with a tall dude named Jim.
Sigh. Another addiction.
It's all addiction. The one you want to get rid of, in this case I guess the smokes, will have to be the one you want to get rid of...dangling whatevers and all.
Anyone who kicks demon terbacky has his or her own way. Here are my three cents, and I haven't lapsed for a long time now but it could happen any minit so what I tell my self is right now at this moment I don't smoke. So my way was cold turkey because I was a late afternoonearlyeveningcocktail time smoker, and then for the rest of the evening, and patches and gum didn't do it for me since I got not quite enough nicotine in the concentrated jolt I needed. So cold turkey it was and then OH CRAP I couldn't do my fav readin' or talkin' on the phone because they went with smoking. So I didn't read for oh two months and then I could sneak read and then hey presto I could READ and have a glass of wine or talk on the phone yada yada.
I guess what I am babbling on about is each addiction, tv chocolate cheetos telephone smokes booze, whatever, is its own self and it has to be dealt with as its own self.
Would I smoke tomorrow if the situation dictated? Probably. Do I want to? Just about every moment of every day, how is that for addiction. Do I actually smoke? Nope, at least NOT TODAY. And not yesterday and if things go accordingly, not tomorrow either but that will depend on tomorrow.
Good luck darlin'. Much love and support and hell yeah it is HARD but most likely it is time.
One of my favorite hoagie places is Jim's Steaks on South Street. There are two lines, usually a massive one for steaks, but then no line for the hoagies.
Lee's is always solid, but better in the city than in burbs for some reason.
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