Thursday, December 27, 2007

Chinese Dinner

Last week I ordered Chinese food from Beijing Gardens. This was mainly because some dude on yelp had called it the best Chinese food he had...and he had gone to a good number of places. I ordered small portions of golden tofu, mongolian beef and curried chicken along with a barbequed pork appetizer. Each thing was about 5 bucks, which is how and why I rationalize the variety of dishes. Plus No-Longer-Wayward came over a bit later and helped too. Oh and then my parents came and we had lunch and snack from the leftovers. The tofu wasn't crispy but the sauce wasn't bad. The curried chicken was tasty but consisted mainly, I would think, of curry powder (no mingling of individual spices...but what would one expect from a Chinese restaurant?). The Mongolian beef, well, I've never had Mongolian beef before so maybe the texture of the meat was on didn't resemble beef as much as soft pieces of I don't know what (tempeh, flour, dough?)...the actual taste of the dish wasn't bad, a little spicyness but not to the point of burning tongue. They threw in free egg rolls that were far more daintily wrapped and fried than many an egg roll--the filling wasn't all that great (actually, can someone explain to me what the exact appeal of eggrolls is in the first place?). The barbequed pork was so-so...some pieces were nice and tender while others were tougher with gristle.

1 comment:

J said...

Well really it's just the fried outside part. I think the filling is almost always pretty meh unless you're eating at a real or at least good Chinese restaurant.

I never even think to order them anymore, but I definitely used to love them.