But that's neither here nor there.
Point is he's going to walk a lot and you can help! Yes you can! You can sponsor/fund raise for him by clicking here.
This is a good cause, I mean really, who doesn't like babies? Other than, um, (I'm trying to think of a really clever or completely random person and I'm struggling...bear with me, I'll get there) Tori Amos? Mike Ditka? Anne Rice (no wait she loves Jesus now and Jesus adores babies). Anyone more clever than me? Help me out.
And help this boyfriend of mine walk a lot and raise money for babies.
Apparently the government of El Salvador doesn't like babies:
and neither do South Dakota lawmakers. But that boyfriend of yours surely likes babies, and I will surely sponsor him.
who doesn't like babies?
the founders of SCUB, that's who!
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