Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Passover and Evangelizm

Um. I'm not Jewish. But I haven't met a Jew I haven't liked. Actually that's simply not true I can think of three just off the top of my head. I can also think of three Quakers, Christians and even Atheists that I also don't like...I'm an equal opportunity hater. That's not the point. Point is that this is a pretty funny summary of Passover and its reason for being. So read it, even if you're not Jewish. What?

Speaking of religion. The other night I watched Marjoe. It seems to have won an Academy Award. I didn't think it was all that great. The subject was fascinating however. Marjoe Gortner was in the late forties and early fifties the youngest, ever, evangelist. There's footage of a four year old red headed kid in a white suit making all sorts of proclamations about hell. He even shakes his hands at the camera a bit. The documentary is about Marjoe's final evangelist tour...I'm not sure how old he is but it's the late sixties and he's roughly between the ages of 24 and 34. He left evangelism for a while but got back into it, not because his passion for God and Jesus is so strong but for the money. It's interesting because he attempts to demystify certain practices of these evangelists. It's fascinating because of all the footage of him preaching in big ol churches and under hot looking tents. He seems to be a believer but in fact he's just acting. What the movie lacks, in my mind, is some follow through. It's premise is he's doing this one last time and when the flock finds out they're going to be pissed. But you never get to see them be pissed and that somehow makes the whole thing less interesting.


J said...

Thanks for the shout out!

cc said...

You're welcome!!