Saturday, August 07, 2010

Baked Eggs c/o The Perch Cafe

On Sunday I woke up and touched base with C. to see what she was up to. After a bit of conversation I met up with her and her bf J. and went to The Perch Cafe for breakfast. We sat in their cute back patio and all ordered coffee. The cups the coffee came in were sweet, though the coffee wasn't so fantastic.
I went with the baked eggs with smoked salmon and creamy leeks on rosemary foccacia. The eggs were good, a little runnier than I usually prefer, but still tasty. And the creamy leek concoction was yummers. Yummers? What has happened to me?


Huckleberry said...

Baked eggs!! How come I've lived so long (and with a profound fondness for egg dishes) and still haven't ever heard of baked eggs? Obviously now I'll have to have some. Is there any recipe you'd particularly recommend?

cc said...

You know, I've never baked eggs myself. I feel like Mark Bittman's baked egg recipes always involve a whatchamacallit....ramekin! But these were clearly ramekin-free eggs. Bittman is always a good starting place.