Saturday, August 21, 2010

Another Trip to Cousin's Spread

I wanted to stick my feet in my cousin's cave water before I left, so we got ourselves back into the car later in the afternoon and went on down the mountain in a different direction. My mother took serious precautions against bugs.
My feet mingled with periwinkles and dog.


j, foodie blog enthusiast said...

love, love, love. wonderful shots. these are the types of photos i like to revisit during the dead of winter. i managed to get a shot of a goldfinch eating the seeds of my coneflowers today, and even though it's a bit blurry, i already know i'll be staring longingly at it by the end of january.

so were there any tick incidents? **shiver** ugh, just typing that makes me itchy.

HinTN said...

Lincoln and Lightning - what an embarrassment!

Cryptic Council Junior Steward said...

That ghost of a truck is exquisite!

cc said...

thank you kindly.

no bug incidents to note, thank goodness:)