Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Yoga, Dinner and Cousins (Not My Cousins)

On Saturday evening J.'s mother made a lovely salad of tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, chick peas and maybe something else?

While the other elements of dinner came together J. and J. did a little yoga and yoga assisting. There is no way I could do what she-J. is doing in this photograph. I mean,there is a way, but at this current time I could not do it. Nope. Un-doable. S. treated his mother's leg as a London bridge.

Dinner also involved fresh corn.

The grown ups (of which I don't think I'm really one) decided that the kids would eat dinner first, and then be put in front of the t.v. while the grown ups ate. Wise move, grown ups, wise move. N. and G. wore G.'s father's tee shirts, which was quite funny because he's a pretty big guy and they are pretty little people.
J.'s dad grilled tuna, which put me on my recent tuna fix. You don't know I've been on a tuna fix, but you will. Can you be on a fix?
Then S. led N. and G. in a few spirited rounds of Ring Around the Rosey. Rosy?

And then I tried grappa for what I think is the first time. I'm glad I went with a relatively 'smooth' version.
Then we proceeded to try every homemade liqueur kind of thing that J.'s parents had brought back with them after their last trip to Italy. I should have written it all down. One was supposedly absinthe, but I don't buy it...nor did I like it.
A wonderful dinner, lovely company and a lot of fun. Thanks all for letting me join you!

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