Wednesday, October 03, 2007

The Problem With Small Monuments

Or, maybe: The Trouble With Small Monuments.

Monuments not made out of stone or metal. Hardly ever monumental.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Small monuments indeed. I find it hard to dump photos, or even really put them out of places of prominence in my space, then I have a fit of tidying/cleaning/rearranging and/or purging and put them all someplace safe. Like a big trunk, or the top shelf of a closet, or in a sturdy box under my bed. And I forget about them. Then in the next purge I find them, and I stop, sigh, touch them, remember all the important stuff, and sift. This one goes here, this one goes back into photo purgatory, this hmmm what was I thinking.

They are all pieces of your life, only you know the backstory, the forward tale, the next moment and the moment that preceded. If they make you feel a bit squirrelly now, put them up. If they don't, keep them displayed or somewhere out and about where you can see them. Tricky, no doubt.

I see some I recognize...and they make me happy in an odd sort of way.