After the orchard I meandered on back roads to the Chain O Lakes state park.

It was nice being in a car. It was nice to listen to music loud and in CD form. Thanks to M. Lady and my New York friend Jess for a number of good music compilations, one could call them mixes. Oh and to Neutral Milk Hotel for being so awesome to drive to. It wasn't totally country.

I saw at least five, more than that, barns. Many were pretty and had wholesome looking cows and horses nearby. Unfortunately it wasn't quite far enough away from Chicago not to have its pockets of developments or communities named after the things that they replaced (Apple Valley Estates or some such). It reminded me, in its more rural moments, of upstate New York only flatter and browner or tanner? Nice country roads.

Chain O Lakes State Park. I drove down to a boat launch and looked at a lake. It was big and there wasn't a path along it, or there must have been but I didn't say it. I sat and looked at the water and envied the people in their catamaran boat. Not really a catamaran. I was in a catamaran once. There was a man on the catamaran, I was with my parents, we were going from France to England, I was maybe 11, the man was old and British. He talked about fasting and how to cook a turkey and I thought he was really, really, really weird. That has nothing to do with any thing.

There were paddleboats but no one to rent them from. I could have rented a horse and gone on a trail ride...if I was made of pure gold and rubies.

This is the trusty rental car. It did a very good job.

At one of the picnic areas in the park. I stopped at several of these areas and took small steps down different paths or sat on a bench before deciding to return to my car.

It's nice, space and quiet and pretty and all in one place.
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