Thursday, December 02, 2010

Lizard and Bird Walk

After breakfast K. and I returned to Sewanee where, if we hadn't moved fast, I would have taken an epic nap. Instead we took a walk. At one point we saw a lizard (above) and a bird (below). During my time in Sewanee I got into the habit of taking about an hour's walk each evening. This made me feel good about myself and my general fitness. Since returning to Pennsylvania I haven't been quite so good about walking. I tend to find my bed an appealing place to spend time, or my desk. This is partially because of the weather, partially because of the potential views (re: not as good as Sewanee) and partially just my average run-of-the-mill laziness. Of course what makes it slightly complicated is that I always feel better/skinnier if I've been walking more, even if there isn't any actual change in my physique. And I fear that with winter setting in I will feel, if not actually be, doughier than ever before. Oh well.

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