Friday, December 10, 2010

Walk a Walk a

Another day, another foray out into the wild. I saw this panther. It was something fierce. Looks small, I know, but that's just a matter of the lens. I swear. Panther.

I heard a bird sound that didn't seem entirely common at one point, so I vigilantly took in my surroundings until I tracked down where the sound was coming from: this bird. It's a Kingfisher of some kind? Belted Kingfisher I would think. And by 'I would think' I mean that I looked it up.

The seasons were definitely changing. Colder around the edges. Colder in the center. But with a slight dusting of warmth. What? I couldn't tell you.

1 comment:

j, foodie blog enthusiast said...

yes, yes, definitely a belted kingfisher. i have a print of Audubon's painting of one in my living room.

lovely photos. milkweed a'blowin' in the breeze. goldfinches use the fluff as part of their nest-building materials. there you go; bird trivia of the day.