Friday, December 17, 2010

Speaking of Vermin

There has been a fair amount of vermin talk in the office over the last few weeks. First our landlord came and laid traps everywhere, which we assumed was his own initiative. Then, a few weeks later, L. found that she had two trash cans enmeshed in one another...and upon closer inspection it became clear that the one trash can had been used to smoosh and kill a mouse in the lower trash can...the mystery of who did this and then forgot to dispose of the mouse...or let L. know...has been revealed to much laughter and eye rolling. The culprit? Our employer. It's fine. Then L. was telling me about how she woke up in the middle of the night earlier this week to the sound of a mouse eating something in her room. This led to my remembering my youthful weeks camping in people's backyards...and how it was the ONE time I slept inside that I had my closest run-in with wilderness. This came in the form of waking up around 5 in the morning to the feeling of pressure on my knees that was unusual. When I raised my head a bit what did I find? A squirrel. A squirrel perched on my legs chewing a walnut. When I moved slightly and it realized that I was not, in fact, an inanimate object, it freaked out and jumped behind the sofa to, I suppose, the hole from whence it came. I gave she-J. the walnut as a present.
This is sort of what it looked like. Only I was lying down, had a blanket and the squirrel only had a walnut. Oh, and I didn't have a camera.

1 comment:

Huckleberry said...

Yay for reenactments!