Saturday, December 18, 2010

Pho Out There

I went to a boarding school and quickly lost touch with most of the friends I had in Maryland, which led to less of a typical social life when I did return to town on school breaks. In the latter part of my high school years, I would hang out with T. around the holidays, as he, too, was back from our high school without a plethora of folks to play with. One activity we did enough that it borders on tradition was bowling, so when I realized I was going to be in the area I contacted T. to see if he would also be around. Turns out that he was. So we made a plan to go bowling. But the Silver Spring bowling alley of our youth is no more, so we had to explore a bit to find an option a little further out. After a bit of trouble finding the place, we found that it was pretty much overrun with children...and it was duck pin, not regular. I didn't really feel like waiting for a lane in the hectic atmosphere of children's birthday parties. So we went to a Pho place in the same shopping center and had lunch instead. It was pretty good. Not fantastic, but good. It was nice to have a brief visit with T. to relive old times, except we didn't really relive old times.

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