Saturday, June 19, 2010

Strawberry and Radish Fetish, Minus Any Actual Fetish

So. I straight up love summer. I love it for the heat. I love it for the dresses I can wear, and the fact that they generally make me feel prettier and thinner than I feel in the winter, even if I haven't lost a pound. I love summer for farmer's markets, farms stands, pretty much anything that starts with 'farm.' I have been wholly enjoying our Thursday Fairmount Farmer's Market and the chemical free produce I buy from the Amish. Strawberries. Oh my. And radishes. My most persistent tendency over the last two or three weeks is to mix up the strawberries, juicy and sweet, with radishes, earthy and spicy. Does the term 'terroir' apply to radishes? Because, man do I like the dirt they come from. I keep talking up a strawberry radish salsa I want to make, the other ingredients being cilantro and lemon. But with strawberry season on its way out (and fewer radishes at the stands, for that matter) it may be a salsa dream for another summer. How can that be! Summer isn't even halfway done and I'm already making plans for the next?
Two Saturdays ago I made a dent into my always-being-replenished supply of strawberries and radishes by simply cutting up a big heaping bowl of the suckers and eat, eat, eating them all up. God it's a great combo. If you're into that sort of thing, which I clearly am.

1 comment:

Chef Dennis Littley said...

now that is such an interesting combination!! I would have never thought of that, but it does sound good!