A blog that used to chronicle my Philadelphia eating life, then life working on a sheep farm in the PNW, and now life in rural Virginia.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Bagel Factory Fail #2 and a Quick Hello to K.
The Friday before last I took a day off from work in order to get myself to Saratoga Springs with a few pit stops. The first pit stop was to Park Slope. There I had two tasks: see K. ever so briefly and pick up scores of food for L.'s bachelorette weekend in Saratoga Springs. K. and I agreed to meet at the Bagel Factory, but when I found it difficult to find parking I asked her to go ahead and order me a toasted everything bagel with salmon cream cheese, the exact same order that I had made a few weeks before with catastrophic results (uh, not really catastrophic). Bagel Factory Fail #1 was entirely my fault. It involved my ordering where I was supposed to only pay, which meant that the dude who actually made the bagels never knew of my order. So I stood there for ten minutes or so, as it got more and more crowded, and realized that unless I stepped up and tried to clarify the situation, no bagel would ever come. Then, in what strikes me as a rather standard cc move, I decided that I would just leave. Without my bagel. Without even trying to fix the problem. Ugh. So, this time around, K. ordered in the right manner but, when we finally sat down to eat our grub, it turns out that the predominantly Spanish speaking staff of the Bagel Factory hadn't been paying the closest attention to K.'s request, what with the Mexico world cup game on. Instead of salmon cream cheese, you see, they went with cinnamon. And let me just tell you, there are some mistakes that work out in your favor...not this one my friends. Bagel Factory Fail #2. I can only guess at what might be next for me and this establishment. We were doing so well, for so long, and now this.
I put my back seat down in order to get all the grub to fit. It was a lot of grub.
It was great to see K., who is in New York for a while (she usually resides in Toronto), though it was quite the rushed meeting. Sometimes we look cute and happy to see each other.
Other times we look crazy and/or triple chinned. Alas. You win some, you lose others.
The color of my lipstick, for anyone who might wonder, is "Relentless Raisin."
New York City
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That's right by Toby and me! We get bagels there!
Congrats on getting the apartment. Hopefully you have mastered the bagel ordering process and only have Bagel Factory successes.
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