Monday, May 24, 2010


Birds. I like them. I wish I could track down some really cool ones. But this is what I got from an hour or so of sitting outside near the bird feeder (my mother's idea).
This is two birds.
This is a bird.
This is a different bird.
This is a bird flying away.
You will win a prize if you find the thing in this photograph that is disturbing.
This is a cardinal. They are red. And common. But pretty.
This was actually later in the day, or another day altogether. Blue bird! I like the way they fly: one two three flap dip and up.
I couldn't get any photographs of the red skinks I had seen earlier in the month. But they were not my imagination. Here is a skink with a stubby tail (they can release their tale from their skeleton when afraid, and the tail keeps moving even after in an effort to give the skink time to high-tail it out of there...see what I just did there?)


Raya said...

Beautiful birds!
And disturbing catapillar!Whats my prize lol :)

j, foodie blog enthusiast said...

love love love.

do you know what kind of tree/bush the cardinal's in (first picture)?

cc said...

Raya! You won the prize. It is disturbing!

cc said...

no idea what the tree bush is, some sort of,erm, something? Holly?

j, foodie blog enthusiast said...

re: some sort of holly something.

exactly -- leaves say "holly-ish" but those red fuzzy stalk-like things with the periwinkle droplet-shaped dealies? wth?

we shall call it the tree of mystery. and hope it's not some sort of signal from apocalypse dog.