Saturday, July 04, 2009

A Take of Gyros in the Pretty

It was nice to return to M.'s mother's house in what truly resembles summer after spending Easter with them. The warmer weather makes it much more pleasant to take photographs of setting suns.
M.'s mother marinated and cooked steak and warmed up naan for a particularly tasty version of gyros. The meat had a nice dose of cumin, which I don't think is typical for gyros (or at least not the gyros I have had?). It was addictive. If I didn't know better, which I do, I'd say she threw in some monosodium glutamate because kept wanting one more bite of the meat.
Oh sun, how pretty you are when you set.
This is a series of photographs tracking Pandora the dog's progress back to her owners. She, on occasion, smells or hears something and goes tearing off and then A. and M., in varying tones, start calling her back, she does always return but I sometimes think she only returns once she has determined what the sound or smell was, not because A. or M. use their 'I'm serious' voice. The point is that she comes back, running and happy.

Mmmmmmmmmm. S. also baked a strawberry rhubarb pie, but my photographs didn't turn out so great.
Thanks goes to M., S. and A. for a lovely dinner and evening. While S. went to bed, M., A. and I stayed up and I saw my second ever shooting star! And M. pointed out a satellite, which I learned is way different from a plane. It was a great night, most needed after another extended stay in the city.

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